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A Message from our Manulife Myanmar CEO, Robert Elliott

Dear Friends,

I can’t overstate how excited we are to be launching our operations in Myanmar. In fact for Manulife, this feels like coming home!


While 2020 marks a fresh start, it’s actually the latest milestone in Manulife’s long history in Myanmar. Manulife first started operations here in 1903 and continued for the next 40 years. We are thrilled to be back and able once again to help make lives better for the people of Myanmar.

Having lived and worked in a number of countries across Asia over the past 15 years, I’m so proud and honored to serve as Manulife Myanmar’s first CEO in the company’s latest phase in Myanmar.

Myanmar is one of the fastest growing economies in ASEAN, and Manulife is excited to play its part. As we do in six other countries in Southeast Asia, we provide financial protection to families, create jobs, and help develop the local financial infrastructure that underpins future development.

As Myanmar’s income levels continue to rise, the demand for life insurance will accelerate. And since just two million people in the country have insurance – among a population of nearly 55 million – we see vast potential to serve customer needs in Myanmar, especially in health and retirement.

On behalf of all of us here at Manulife, thank you to everyone who has helped us return home to Myanmar. We are excited at the opportunities and look forward to serving families and supporting communities over the years ahead. It’s good to be back!

Robert Elliott

Chief Executive Officer

Manulife Myanmar