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How to save yourself and beloved ones from COVID-19 infection and how to know COVID-19 protection ways?  

COVID-19 infection can be occurred by the following ways:

  • While becoming a close contact with COVID infected person
  • Breathing the air which contains small droplets and virus particles that cling to the eyes, nose, or mouth, especially through splashes and sprays like a cough or sneeze.
  •  Touching eyes, nose, and mouth with virus-infected hands

The ways of protection from COVID-19

1.       Take vaccination

  • An official recognized COVID-19 vaccine will protect from COVID-19 infection

2.       Wear a mask

  • Must have to wear the mask in public space, if you’re two years of age and above or haven’t gotten vaccinated

3.       Keep social distancing

  • Avoid close contact with patients who have a high temperature.
  • 6 feet distance away (social distancing way) from each other

4.       Avoid crowded areas and poorly ventilated spaces

  • Should avoid going to crowded areas such as restaurants, bars, gyms, or movie theaters which have the highest risks of COVID infection.
  • Avoid staying in enclosure spaces that have lacking fresh air
  • If necessary, to stay in the enclosure zone, open the windows and doors to get fresh air as much as you can.

5.       Wash your hands often

6.       Cover the mouth and nose while you cough and sneezes

7.       Cleaning and sterilization

  • Cleaning with detergent or soap or waterless sanitizer to high-touch surfaces daily included tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

8.       Monitor your daily health condition

  • Be aware of these symptoms:
    • High fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Must have to measure the body temperature if you feel any symptoms of above.

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