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Lifestyle Changes That Will Save You Money

11 March 2020

Hi ladies! When it comes to taking care of ourselves, anytime is a great time to start. Whether you are single, married or a working mom, there is no need to wait until the next big milestone to kick start a new habit!

If there’s one area you can work on, it’s getting to grips with your finances and getting started with better financial planning for the family. Here are 5 simple ways to help you accomplish healthy savings goals for a more financially secure future for you and your loved ones.

1. Get moving: We women are known to be nurturers; thus, it also comes naturally for us to promote a

healthier lifestyle for ourselves and our family. Exercising is one of the easiest lifestyle changes you can make. The beauty of working out is you can literally do it anywhere, and it won’t have to cost a fortune. It actually leads to savings because when you are healthy, you can do more and protect yourself and your family from illnesses. Not to mention - medical bills can be pricey! Remember, prevention is better than cure! Get moving with your friends and family!

2. Ditch one bad habit: If you’re looking for ways to save money without drastically changing your lifestyle, try getting rid of one thing that may be hurting your wallet such as eating out or eating unhealthy food. As we lead busier lives, we are eating out more and spending less time with our families. Why not bring back the tradition of family gatherings at home? Nothing like delicious food and fresh produce to bring loved ones together! Another option is to pack your own lunch. Avoiding fast-food and eating out can help you cut down on calories, as well as expenses.

3. Have a budget and stick to it! Women are the usual budget-keepers in the family. Having a list of things that are needed and keeping track of purchases help keep the expenses within the limit.

4. Have a safety net: As women, we always tend to worry more about the future. We like planning ahead and ensuring that our expectations for quality life are met, and our loved ones are taken care of. Having this mindset, it helps to be realistic - you  need to eat, and you want a little fun time with your family and friends! Try to divide your earnings for 1) living expenses 2) savings for slightly bigger expenses like short holidays with your friends and family 3) long-term savings - to serve as a safety net for a much more financially secure future for you and your loved ones.

5. Plan for the unexpected: Understandably, most people don’t want to think about things that can disrupt their normal routines and impact future plans. With a simple life or health insurance, you can always have peace of mind that you are not only protecting yourself, but ultimately protecting your family and those who depend on you. It is actually a great way to save, as it ultimately supports the future healthcare and education needs of your loved ones.

With over 130 years of track record, Manulife is a trustworthy partner of Myanmar families. Manulife advisers can help you understand how insurance works, the coverage you need, and the insurance product that best fits your needs. Manulife has a long history in Myanmar, having started operations and selling their first insurance policy in the country in 1903. Since re-entering the market with a representative office in 2014, Manulife has been actively engaging local regulators and insurers, sharing best practices on innovative insurance products and, developing a sustainable insurance industry in Myanmar. 

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