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Is the happiness gone? 

When you are full of happiness, you can always go through your day with energy.

Have you ever asked yourself the question of whether you can be happy forever?

The sources of happiness can be found just around you. So, if you are someone who likes to be happy, let’s follow the ways to increase the hormones in your body for happiness:

Happiness Hormone Dopamine

The Dopamine hormone clears the mind and gives good emotions. To increase Dopamine, just do the four points below:

  • Have enough sleep
  • Listen to your favorite songs
  • Treat delicious food to your body
  • Make exercise under the morning sun

Stress Reduces Hormone Endorphin

Every human being must experience stress. Although you can’t avoid the stress that you may experience from time to time, you can reduce it with Endorphin hormones. It rises in your body and stress will lessen. So, do not forget to do the following points whenever you feel stressed.

  • Make laugh more
  • Be with your loved ones
  • Do a calming meditation
  • Let’s dance and sing a song

Cools your mind – away from anxiety with Serotonin

It is impossible to be happy with a mind full of anxiety. If you are free from anxiety and have a calm and peaceful mind, you will be able to slowly let your happiness in. These methods are the best to increase the Serotonin hormone, which will reduce anxiety and calm the mind.

  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Take meditation
  • Do calisthenics
  • Eat healthy meals


Feel you warm with Love Hormone Oxytocin

The happiness things for people are staying between the person who loves them and there you loved ones. If you’re the one who really needs to get happiness and take care not to lose the love hormone, please don’t forget to follow these tips to increase the Oxytocin hormone.

  • Hugs to your beloved ones
  • Say compliments to each other
  • Do philanthropy to the community 
  • Meet with friends 

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